Show Daysi in other Calendars - Familjekalender

Show Daysi in other Calendars

Your Daysi Calendar can be shown in a number of external Calendars.

You can view your Daysi Calendar in a “Read-only” format in another calendar.
In this way you can see all your Family Appointments from the Daysi Calendar along with the calendar you have at your work.
The agreements are only displayed as “Read-Only” – ie. it is still in the Daysi Calendar that they need to be changed. However, when you change an appointment in Daysi – it is automatically updated in your External Calendar
(the update is done with regular intervals several times a day)

Read below how to set up different Calendar systems
to view your Daysi Calendar.

Daysi Calendar in your  
Google Calendar

Daysi can be integrated with Google Calendar so you can see all your appointments from Daysi in your Google Calendar.

To see appointments from Daysi Family Calendar in a Google Calendar, you should do the following:  

  • – Open Daysi Family Calendar
  • – From the menu, select the Configuration/My Profile
  • – If you are a Family Administrator and are configuring this for a user, you need to choose Configuration/Family Members – and then subsequently select a Family Member
  • –  Scroll down to the section: Remote access to your Daysi Calendar
  • – Click the Icon next to this text
  • Your Daysi Calendar has a unique Web address and this is the one you need in your Google Calendar
    If you use Google Calendar from your computer, send this URL to yourself so that you can access it via your computer
    Then do the following:

To view your Daysi Calendar in Google Calendar, now do the following:

  • Open your Google Calendar
  • – Click on the “+” icon next to the text Others Calendars and select the item: From URL
  • – In the window that appears, enter in the URL field the URL that you just downloaded from Daysi.
  • – You can then choose if you want to make your calendar Public to others users
  • – Click Add Calendar
  • – Your Daysi Calendar is now added in Google Calendar and you get the confirmation Calendar added
  • – You can now go back to the Calendar view and see that your Daysi Calendar is now displayed along with the other Google Calendar.

Setup is now complete and if you change some appointments in your Daysi Calendar they will be automatically updated in your Google Calendar

Daysi Calendar in your 
iPhone Calendar

Daysi can be integrated with iPhone Calendar so you can see all your appointments from Daysi in your iPhone Calendar

To see Daysi appointments in your iPhone calendar, do the following:

  • – Tap the Settings icon on your iPhone
  • – Select Accounts & Passwords or Mail/Accounts
  • – Tap Add account
  • – Choose Other
  • – Select Add CalDav Account
  • Fill in the four fields that appear with the following information:
  • – Server:
  • – User name: Username to your Daysi Calendar>
  • – Password: <Enter your Password to your Daysi Calendar>
  •  – Description: description for the Calendar – i.e. Daysi Calendar>
  • – Tap Next in the upper right corner
  • A pop-up window will appear with the following text: “Unable to connect via SSL”
  • – Press Continue
  • – Your Account is being Verified 
  • – A new Pop-up appears with the following text: Connection fails
  • – Select the Advanced Settings
  • – In the fields that appear, type the following:
  • – Use SSL: TRUE
  • – Port: 443
  • – Account URL:
  • – (xx should be substituted with your Daysi Username(E-mail address)
  • – Press the CalDav button in the upper left corner
    – You will now return to the previous window
    – Tap Next in the upper right corner
    – You will see a “Tick Mark” on the different lines that shows the connection is established
  • – A new Window will open
  • – Tap Save in the upper right corner

You are now done with configuration and your Daysi Calendar is now visible in your iPhone Calendar. 

Daysi kalender vises i din  
Apple Kalender på Mac

Daysi kan arbejde sammen med Apple kalenderen på din Mac Computer så du kan se Daysi aftalerne i denne kalender.

To see your Daysi Calender in your Calendar on your Mac, you should do as follows:

  • – Open iCal and choose iCal > Settings and click on Accounts
  • – Click on the “+” icon and choose Other CalDav account to add a new account
  • – Choose the Accounttype Advanced
  • – Use your Daysi Username and Password in the accesscode fields: 
  • In the other fields you should type the following:
  •       1: Server: cal.daysi.,dk
  •       2: Server: /vendor/calendarserver.php/principals/xx/
  •          substitute xx with your Daysi Username (E-mail address
  •        3: Server port: 443
  •        4: Use SSL: TRUE
  • – Press the Login button 
  • You are now finish with configuration and your Daysi Calendar is now visible in your Mac Calendar.